Dr Jenny Goodman's top tips for getting healthy in toxic times

Dr Jenny Goodman has practiced ecological medicine for 25 years, combining biochemistry with nutrition and naturopathic methods to “get people well and keep them well.” But the start of her career looked quite different. Working as a junior doctor in an NHS hospital, Jenny quickly became disillusioned with conventional medicine’s inability to uncover the root cause of illness or to provide preventative care – leading her on a more holistic healing path.
Dr Jenny’s new book, Getting Healthy in Toxic Times, provides a compelling perspective on the connection between personal and planetary wellbeing, and asks the question that very few doctors do – how can we protect ourselves from the pollution, chemicals and toxins that pervade our environment? Its pages are packed full of practical, empowering tips — with scientific research to back them up (the excellent chapter on electromagnetic radiation even features insights from Conscious Spaces founder Tara Williams).
With her book gaining widespread praise, we spoke to Jenny about the key toxins we should all be aware of, how to reduce exposure, and natural ways to boost your defences against disease and regain wellbeing...
Tell us about your journey from NHS doctor to practitioner of nutritional and ecological medicine. What inspired you to change course?
I went into medicine looking to learn how to heal the sick, but also to discover the root causes of illness and thus how to prevent it. Unfortunately, that’s not what’s taught in medical school or on hospital wards. Conventional medicine is brilliant at dealing with emergencies, like mending broken bones, stenting blocked coronary arteries and curing diabetic comas – but it doesn’t do much to prevent heart disease or diabetes from occurring in the first place! I knew something was wrong, something was missing, but it took me years to discover the alternatives; practitioners from outside of mainstream medicine using natural methods: nutrition, bodywork, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture – all of it! Then in the 1990s I found the British Society for Ecological Medicine, a group of doctors as disillusioned as I was with orthodox medicine, using biochemistry combined with naturopathic methods to really get people well and keep them well. I trained with them, and I began to practice this way in 2000; it was transformative. For me and for my patients. Especially the children.
Your book is called ‘Getting Healthy in Toxic Times’. Can you tell us what you mean by ‘toxic times’?
We are living in an industrial and post-industrial world that is heavily polluted. Since the 1800s we’ve been manufacturing synthetic chemicals, for all sorts of convenient and profitable purposes, which our bodies are not equipped to cope with. Our liver does make detoxification enzymes, but they weren’t evolved to deal with pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, plastics or petrochemicals. All these surround us, and genetic differences among us determine whether they make us ill instantly (people with chemical sensitivity) or only after decades of exposure (50% of the population will develop cancer). These pollutants are destroying human health as well as wildlife; the diseases of the modern western world, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, autism and autoimmunity, were rare or unknown before the industrial revolution. But awareness, good nutrition and regular detox can be very protective.
"I found the British Society for Ecological Medicine, a group of doctors as disillusioned as I was with orthodox medicine, using biochemistry combined with naturopathic methods to get people well and keep them well."
If you had to give your top tips for reducing toxin exposure and protecting ourselves from pollutants, what would they be?
The key tips for avoiding the avoidable pollutants are: 1 - EAT ORGANIC, then you won’t be eating pesticides. 2 – FILTER YOUR WATER, then you won’t be drinking chlorine, fluoride, pesticide residues, heavy metals, microplastics, synthetic fertiliser residues, or the drug metabolites peed out into the water table by people, pets and (non-organic) farm animals on antibiotics, chemo, anti-depressants etc etc etc! 3 – STOP spraying artificial air fresheners around your home. Use organic essential oils, open the windows and empty the bins! When you buy a new mattress, ensure it’s organic. Don’t cook fruit or anything acid in aluminium, ditto don’t wrap in aluminium foil or cling film. Use paper bags, and ceramic dishes. Use natural personal care products, and safe laundry products like those made by Greenscents. Check out chapter 7 of my new book for details, and also the Soil Association’s website. AND of course – 4 – protect yourself from EMR by all the methods Conscious Spaces recommend, many of which are detailed in chapter 6 of my new book.
Finally, Vitamins C, D and a B complex, the minerals zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine, some essential fatty acids (fish oil and evening primrose oil) plus CoQ10, will help your detox systems work much better.
You dedicate a chapter of your new book to a subject close to our hearts – electromagnetic radiation and its effects on wellbeing. What did you take away from your research on the topic?
I learnt that this massive hazard to everyone’s health and wellbeing is a well-kept secret; that the science and research is out there showing that it’s lethal, but that the power of the Big Tech companies over our governments is such that the info has been suppressed and has not got out to the general public. Also that the tyranny of convenience makes this addictive technology way too attractive to everyone, especially the young. We just have to keep on telling everyone . . .
If toxin exposure has already made you ill, what can you do to restore your health?
Ideally you need to work with a practitioner who understands this: there is a list of such colleagues on my website: www.drjennygoodman.com/
Your book discusses how the health of our planet connects with our own wellbeing. How do you see this connection playing out?
Most people are aware of climate change, some are aware that pollution is damaging our environment, but most people don’t realise that “the environment” isn’t something “out there” – we ARE nature, and nature is us. We humans are, like other animals and trees and plants, PART of the “wildlife” that is getting poisoned by chemicals and EMR. If we humans get too sick to fight it, who is going to campaign? The otters and the dolphins and the birds and the bees can’t do it. They need our help, and WE need our help!
"Our liver does make detoxification enzymes, but they weren’t evolved to deal with pesticides, heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride, plastics or petrochemicals. [...] But awareness, good nutrition and regular detox can be very protective."
How can we boost our defences against toxins, naturally?
By good nutrition, which means fresh, real, local organic food, supplements if necessary as above, and plenty of sunshine, fresh air, sleep, meditation, love, meaningful work and supportive community.
Finally, what does the idea of a ‘conscious space’ mean to you?
We all need to become more aware of the space around us and within us: physically, chemically, psychologically/emotionally and spiritually. The brilliance of the name “conscious spaces” is that it encompasses all that. Our minds/souls/bodies are not separate, and all need looking after.
Order Dr Jenny Goodman's book, Getting Healthy in Toxic Times: An ecological doctor’s prescription for healing your body and the planet, here