IIREC - Qi-Home Cell & geopathic zones and water quality

Study Overview
The tests outlined here aimed at testing the effectiveness of the product, as claimed by the manufacturer, regarding the following items:
1. Improvement of the spatial magnetic field in geopathic zones
2. Resistance against possible impairment of this effect
3. Improvement of the biological quality of water
According to experience by IIREC the procedure of grid measurement of the vertical component of magnetic flux density, or induction, in the static (DC) measurement mode including the evaluation of the divergence of the magnetic field gradient is appropriate to give evidence if a product of this kind is able to smoothen magnetic field gradients («magnetic field equalizing effect»).
The questions relevant to the user whether the product will unfold its effect reliably, and whether this effect will be impaired by disturbing influences of extremely distorted magnetic fields, were examined by a stress test and a repetition of the original test of the impact of the product on a geopathic field.
A satisfying answer to these question is a precondition for awarding the biophysical test seal by IIREC.
In order to give evidence of the biological effect of the product by means of biophysical methods, an additional test was conducted by exposition of a water sample to the impact of the product and by investigation of resonance frequencies of documented biological relevance.
- Qi-Home Cell unfolds a measurable effect of balancing the magnetic field in a geopathogenic field. After 24 hours impact by Qi-Home Cell, i.e. in a repetition of the measurement at the same day-time and practically the same moon phase, the magnetic field shifts from the original distortions to generally normalized values.
- The efficacy of the product is not lost after a 72 hours’ exposition to a strong and extremely inhomogeneous magnetic field.
The effects of Qi-Home Cell that were evidenced here (balance of geopathic disturbances, and resistance against strong magnetic field disruptions) confirm, on the whole, a remarkable reliability of the product.
Full Study Document